Monday Musings with Rachelle
–Unknown source
I’ve seen this quote in a couple places recently and it impressed me so much that I added it to my vision board. It’s a great reminder for me to stop and look at the moment that I’m in–whether I’m frustrated with my children and tired of the yelling/screaming/tantrum/mess capades or I’m questioning the worth of how I’m spending my time and what will come of it. Nothing is more important than this day–thinking that has helped me grab onto some pretty spectacular moments before they slipped through the walls of time.
I let my girls sleep in and they were about two minutes late to school, then I went for a walk with friends, talked about great books, played with my boys, I’ll be making brownies for the teachers at the school, cooking dinner, outlining a new novel, working on social media, AND I’m going to make some time to call a dear friend, then curl up on the couch with a good book. I’m doing all this with a different perspective because I realized that right now, nothing is more important than this day.
How important is your day today?