Book Thoughts by Rachelle
I finished reading the book by Toni Sorenson, Master. It’s a historical novel published by Covenant and an extraordinary read. If you enjoyed reading The Work and the Glory series by Gerald Lund, I think you will enjoy Master. This is because it is all about real events—the life of Christ—with a fictional character, Almon to guide you through his associations as a servant of Christ.I have a deeper understanding and appreciation of Jesus Christ, our savior after reading this book. I didn’t know that just by reading this book, I would understand so many of the scriptures in the New Testament on a deeper level. I learned many details about Jewish life and customs and found an answer to a pressing question. Why couldn’t the Jews see who Jesus was and accept Him as their savior?
The answer is because the Jews misinterpreted their own scriptures to mean that, the Christ or Savior would deliver them from bondage from the Romans. Jesus Christ delivered us all from bondage, but it was a different kind—the bondage of sin. He opened a doorway to eternal life and gave us the gift of the atonement.
The Jews could not understand Jesus Christ’s teachings even though He tried in so many ways. He taught in parables, He spoke plainly, He led by example and still the Jews could not understand and so rejected Him.
The account of Jesus’ life in Master testifies of His true divinity. It brings to life His crucifixion as if you were really there and leaves the reader with a deeper understanding of His love for the apostles, even one who betrayed him—Judas.
Reading Master has renewed again my testimony of Jesus Christ and His teachings. I am so thankful for the gospel and I desire to be like Christ. It is so difficult, but after reading Master, I am reminded that if I try my best, Jesus Christ has made up the difference.
I hope that you will have the opportunity to read Master by Toni Sorenson. It is not just a “church” book, but a novel written to engage the reader on a mission to truly know our Savior, where He came from, His life and His mission.
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