Book Thoughts by Rachelle

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Romance, Suspense, Mystery Author
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Would you like to take a tour of ancient Egypt during the reign of Queen Hatshepsut? Take a walk down the streets through the eyes of a slave girl and enter the pyramids to see how royalty lived in this excellent book, Mara, Daughter of the Nile by Eloise Jarvis McGraw.
My librarian recommended this book, Mara, Daughter of the Nile, first written in the 1950s, and I’m so glad she did. It’s a Young Adult book I probably never would’ve chosen otherwise. McGraw does an incredible job of creating the setting of ancient Egypt. You get a feel for how the different classes of people dressed and ate. The slave girl, Mara, has a wonderful personality. I love her sassy charisma and intelligence.
There’s a great story of intrigue and romance in this book—my favorite type. I love a good mystery with a dash of romance.
If you are looking for a good, clean read for your teens or yourself check out Mara, Daughter of the Nile. I enjoy books written in this format—the setting is so aptly described it gives the reader a virtual tour. I learned some interesting things about ancient Egypt through reading this novel and was swept away by the story.
Here’s more about the book:
Mara is a proud and beautiful slave girl who yearns for freedom. In order to gain it, she finds herself playing the dangerous role of double spy for two arch enemies—each of whom supports a contender for the throne of Egypt.
Against her will, Mara finds herself falling in love with one of her masters, the noble Sheftu, and she starts to believe in his plans of restoring Thutmose III to the throne. But just when Mara is ready to offer Sheftu her help and her heart, her duplicity is discovered and a battle ensues in which both Mara’s life and the threat of Egypt are at stake.
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Who doesn’t love Jane Austen? I am a huge fan of Austen and contemporary romance and this new book by Julie Wright manages to cover both of those points. Lies Jane Austen Told Me captured my attention and my heart. This sweet love story was so fun to read!
I love the voice that Wright infuses into her characters. Emma is witty, sometimes sarcastic, and has a love/hate relationship with Jane Austen. I like that she’s vulnerable and has a depth to her that is meaningful to the story. Blake Hampton seemed like the perfect boyfriend, but I’m so glad that Emma has a chance to get to know his brother Lucas before she makes her final decision.
If you’re looking for the perfect sweet contemporary romance–a clean read–then you’ll want to pick up Lies Jane Austen Told Me by Julie Wright.
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I have to confess that I have had a difficult time getting through many “organizing” books because, well….I get bored. So the fact that I finished this book should attest to what a great read it is. Really, I was so excited with the short, simple steps/chapters for organizing different areas of my life.
My favorite part: I loved step 15—Taking control of endless emails. I currently have 63 new emails in my inbox and it bothers me that there are so many I haven’t even opened. But I am implementing herr file within my email box. There are many more ideas about this, but you’ll have to read her book to see how totally awesome they are so you can break free from the endless chain of emails!
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Elantris is a 5-star book and was the debut book by now famous author, Brandon Sanderson. I was privileged enough to purchase this book at the Children’s Writer’s and Illustrator’s BYU Writer’s Conference and to have it signed by Sanderson–a first edition hardcover!
The story of Elantris is incredible with layer upon layer of the most delicious detailed plot I’ve seen for a while. I think I could easily compare it to the delectable layers of a rich German chocolate cake, (at least the way I’ve learned to make it from my mother-in-law) that my husband devours because that’s what I did from the first few pages of this book. I devoured it and enjoyed every bite!
I tried to think of a way to share what this book was about without giving away any details, but this is all I could come up with because the mystery of Elantris is so finely woven into all the details of this book.
Elantris is a fantasy novel about Prince Raoden and the mysterious “fallen” Elantrians. Elantris used to be the city of the Gods filled with all kinds of magical power, but ten years ago the city fell. Lady Sarene is engaged to marry Prince Raoden and arrives in Arelon to disappointing and confusing news. Is her Prince really dead? And is the zealot missionary really out to cause problems?
Brandon Sanderson is a genius and I hope that many of you will have the opportunity to read this book. In the fantasy novel Elantris, Sanderson creates a world so real that you will feel you have actually visited it. He even has different religions and languages so masterfully woven into the story that after reading the book, I kept wanting to say “Kolo?” when I was talking to my husband. The best way to describe “Kolo” is to compare it to how the Canadians say, “Eh or Hey,” to end many of their sentences or how American’s say, “ya know.” It’s funny, ya know, but I loved the character, Galladon, who always said “Kolo?”
Which brings me to another point about the quality of Elantris—Sanderson created several characters whom readers are able to know intimately. They aren’t just the stand-up cardboard, fill-in the blank kinds you’ll find in many novels or the lame sidekick. They were real, living breathing people—at least they seemed to call to me from the pages when I should’ve been sleeping. But since I was up taking care of my newborn and couldn’t be sleeping, why not read, right?
Here’s the first line from the book, just try to tell me you wouldn’t keep reading!
“PRINCE Raoden of Arelon awoke early that morning, completely unaware that he had been damned for all eternity.”
My only complaint and this would be for pretty much any fantasy writer is that I wish they would include a pronunciation guide for all of the names and words they choose to invent for their books. I know I’m weird but I like to know that I’m “saying” the name right when I’m reading the book.
Here’s more about the book:
Elantris was the capital of Arelon: gigantic, beautiful, literally radiant, filled with benevolent beings who used their powerful magical abilities for the benefit of all. Yet each of these demigods was once an ordinary person until touched by the mysterious transforming power of the Shaod. Ten years ago, without warning, the magic failed. Elantrians became wizened, leper-like, powerless creatures, and Elantris itself dark, filthy, and crumbling.
Arelon’s new capital, Kae, crouches in the shadow of Elantris. Princess Sarene of Teod arrives for a marriage of state with Crown Prince Raoden, hoping — based on their correspondence — to also find love. She finds instead that Raoden has died and she is considered his widow. Both Teod and Arelon are under threat as the last remaining holdouts against the imperial ambitions of the ruthless religious fanatics of Fjordell. So Sarene decides to use her new status to counter the machinations of Hrathen, a Fjordell high priest who has come to Kae to convert Arelon and claim it for his emperor and his god.
But neither Sarene nor Hrathen suspect the truth about Prince Raoden. Stricken by the same curse that ruined Elantris, Raoden was secretly exiled by his father to the dark city. His struggle to help the wretches trapped there begins a series of events that will bring hope to Arelon, and perhaps reveal the secret of Elantris itself.
A rare epic fantasy that doesn’t recycle the classics and that is a complete and satisfying story in one volume, Elantris is fleet and fun, full of surprises and characters to care about. It’s also the wonderful debut of a welcome new star in the constellation of fantasy.
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Preparedness Principles is touted as the complete personal preparedness resource guide for any emergency situation. At 355 pages, I haven’t read the whole thing, but I really love the wonderful index with hundreds of topics you can look up at a glance. There is SO much information in this book that can help you and your family to be prepared.
Salsbury has provided a wonderful gift for all of us in this book so that we don’t have to panic. She doesn’t want us to overdo, overwhelm, or panic as we prepare– but take it step by step.
Preparedness has been on my mind over the past year and at first I didn’t know why I felt so strongly we needed to work on things with our food storage. We’ve always had a pretty good pantry, but last summer I felt that we should try to get some more staples for our food storage. There happened to be an opportunity to buy wheat and I decided that even though I didn’t even own a hand grinder, I would buy some. My husband didn’t think we needed to buy too much, but I felt differently. I also stocked up on some other items. Shortly after, the wheat prices started to skyrocket and I am still so thankful for the promptings I received to prepare. It’s hard to explain the true peace that comes into your life when you are prepared. I don’t have a full year’s supply of food yet and there is much to be done, but I feel at peace because I am trying my best to do my part, little by little, to prepare.
I hope that many of you can read Preparedness Principles and start taking one step at a time toward a greater peacefulness in your life as you prepare.
Here’s more about the book:
News of calamity, disaster, and war got you down? Afraid of how you’ll survive if you lose your job? Wondering what to do when the big one hits? Wonder no more. Personal preparedness expert Barbara Salsbury brings together years of research and experience, giving you the know-how to set up an organized, practical, personal preparedness program that will provide for most wants and needs in any emergency situation. Preparedness Principles, the most comprehensive preparedness guide ever published, offers exclusive details about:
* Four new categories of preparedness
* New bare-bones basics
* The Pantry Principle
* Storm shelters, safe rooms, and safe havens
* And much more!
If you’re serious about a personalized preparedness action plan, this quintessential reference book is for you!
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